Armored with unique, bony plates, armadillos are fascinating creatures often seen foraging in various environments. Understanding what these intriguing animals eat can shed light on their role in the ecosystem and help pet owners provide a balanced diet for domesticated armadillos. In this article, we explore the diverse diet of armadillos, their eating habits in the wild, and the impact of their food choices on the environment.

Overview of Armadillo Diet

Armadillos are omnivorous animals with a varied diet that reflects their adaptability to different environments. These creatures primarily feed on insects and other invertebrates but will also consume a range of plant materials and small vertebrates when available. Their strong claws and keen sense of smell help them forage for food both above and below ground, making them efficient and opportunistic feeders.

What Do Armadillos Eat in the Wild?

It’s natural to wonder what these strange-looking (but adorable) small critters consume, given their peculiar appearance. As for a concise explanation, it would be: a little of everything. Armadillos, like all omnivores, consume both animal and plant matter. They eat many sorts of creepy-crawlies, worms, insects, butterflies, spiders, snails, lizards, rats, eggs, seeds, fruits, tubers, mushrooms, and even carrion once in a while.
  • Insects and Bugs: Armadillos are particularly fond of insects, which make up a significant portion of their diet. They commonly consume ants, termites, beetles, and grubs. Their keen sense of smell helps them locate insect colonies, and their sharp claws allow them to dig out these hidden food sources.
  • Plants and Fruits: While insects are a primary food source, armadillos also eat various plants and fruits. They forage for berries, seeds, and roots, especially when insect populations are low. This plant material provides essential nutrients that complement their insect-based diet.
  • Small Vertebrates: On occasion, armadillos will consume small vertebrates such as frogs, lizards, and small mammals. These food sources are typically opportunistic, eaten when readily available or during times of scarcity of their preferred insect prey.
  • Other Food Sources: Armadillos are known to eat eggs, carrion, and even fungi. Their diet can be highly variable depending on their habitat and the availability of different food sources.

Armadillos as Pets: What to Feed Them

Safe Foods for Pet Armadillos: If you have a pet armadillo, it’s important to replicate their natural diet as closely as possible. Safe foods include:

  • Mealworms, crickets, and other insects available from pet stores.
  • Fruits such as berries and melons.
  • Vegetables like carrots and leafy greens.
  • Specialized armadillo feed, if available.

Foods to Avoid: Certain foods can be harmful to armadillos and should be avoided:

  • Processed human foods, especially those high in sugar or salt.
  • Dairy products, as armadillos are lactose intolerant.
  • Foods with toxic substances, like chocolate or onions.

Impact of Armadillo Diet on Ecosystem

Role in Controlling Insect Populations: Armadillos play a crucial role in controlling insect populations. By consuming large quantities of insects, they help maintain a balance in their ecosystems, preventing outbreaks of pest species that could otherwise damage crops and plants.

Effects on Plant Life: While foraging for insects and plant materials, armadillos can have both positive and negative impacts on plant life. Their digging can aerate the soil and promote plant growth, but it can also disrupt root systems and lead to minor plant damage. Overall, their role in the ecosystem is considered beneficial due to their pest control abilities.

Where Do Armadillos Live?

Though most armadillos live in either South or Central America, there is one species that is most commonly seen in the United States. The nine-banded armadillo is the type we are most familiar with in the United States, living primarily in the southern United States.

Armadillos are more at home in tropical and subtropical environments, so this makes sense. Ecosystems like these can be found anywhere, from lush grasslands to tropical rain forests to desert plains.

They settle in the south of the United States because of the plentiful grasslands and mild winters.

Are Armadillos Nocturnal?

In comparison to the usual mammalian temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, an armadillo’s normal body temperature is only about 91.4 degrees. Armadillos are primarily nocturnal and spend the day sleeping or resting in their burrows, but they are known to emerge from their underground homes during the day on rare occasions.

Armadillos are nocturnal animals that are most active just before dawn and just after sunset. If you are in a location with plenty of cover and a reliable water supply, you may spot one during this time of year. The armadillo’s need to feed and burrow draws it to these areas.

The six-banded armadillo, on the other hand, is a diurnal species of armadillo. This species is diurnal, meaning it forages during the day and dines on items like plants, insects, and even carrion.

What Does An Armadillo Look Like?

Armadillos are among the most peculiar animals you might find in your yard. It certainly resembles a hybrid of several different species:

  • Bony plates cover its entire body.
  • It’s a mammal.
  • Its tongue is very sticky.
  • It has a lengthy, reptile-like tail.
  • It has mule-like ears.
  • It can dig like a mole because it has powerful, sharp claws.

In a nutshell, it looks like a cross between a rat and a hairy turtle.

Armadillos Keep Digging

Why Armadillos Dig:

Armadillos are often spotted burrowing in the yards of people who live in the aforementioned conditions. You may have discovered evidence of their misdeeds even if you haven’t managed to catch them in the act.

It’s annoying when there are holes in the yard, and they detract from the overall look and feel of the yard. Understanding these animals and their motivations before having to deal with them can help, even if it doesn’t make things any easier.

Armadillos mostly forage for food, which is why you’ll often see them excavating holes. They snoop around underground in search of grubs, worms, and other insects and vermin to eat.

Armadillos will also dig to create a burrow into which they can retreat for the night. These infamous little diggers often leave behind enormous mazes.

Are Armadillos Dangerous?

One of the most regular wildlife sightings in Florida is an armadillo. Humans typically leave them alone because we know they won’t attack. However, armadillos pose greater risks than most of us realize. If you discover even a single one of these pests on your home, it is critical that you contact a specialist immediately. It’s best if you can capture them as quickly as possible.

While armadillos rarely attack humans or domesticated animals, this can change if they feel threatened. While armadillos pose no threat to humans due to their lack of bite or scratch, this does not make them completely harmless. Armadillo threats, such as those listed below, often coincide with the armadillo’s actual presence on your land.

  • Armadillos are expert at diggers: They have the ability to create larger-than-normal tunnels. If your garden is not landscaped, this behavior is probably fine; nevertheless, it becomes dangerous if they begin digging near or beneath your home’s foundation. Because of this, concrete may crack and buildings may become unstable.
  • Armadillos can destroy vegetation and landscaped gardens: These creatures are hard workers when it comes to digging, as was previously established. Infestations of armadillos can wipe out months of hard work tending a garden.
  • Armadillos may carry diseases: The armadillo has been shown to be a possible leprosy virus carrier in a few investigations. Of the several potential threats posed by armadillos, this one is the most severe. Wear gloves if you need to clean up soil that has been disturbed, as this may have been done by armadillos. In any case, get in touch with armadillo removal experts.

Are Armadillos Aggressive Toward Humans?

Unless confronted, armadillos are docile animals that are highly unlikely to attack humans. Since their diet consists entirely of small insects and worms, there is no danger of their attacking for any reason other than hunger or pure chance.

When cornered or threatened, however, they turn violent, and even their tiny teeth may easily pierce human skin.

Do Armadillos Bite?

Despite common assumptions, armadillos are dangerous and can bite. Although their teeth are little and they prefer soft foods like worms, when cornered, they will bite without hesitation.

Do Armadillos carry rabies?

There are a variety of diseases that armadillos can transmit. The only known animal capable of transmitting leprosy to people through direct touch is the sand fly. Rabies is a disease that can be carried and spread by any wild animal, including armadillos.

You should therefore always take precautions, such as wearing thick gloves and long sleeves, when working with an armadillo.

Armadillo Feces, Urine, and Diseases

Although armadillos can transmit diseases to humans by biting them, their waste poses a much greater threat to humans. More dangerous than getting bitten by an armadillo is coming into contact with its feces or urine.

Armadillo poop is a known carrier of various infectious diseases, including Leptospirosis, Mycobacteriosis, Salmonella, and Histoplasmosis.

Read this list of diseases that can be contracted from armadillo droppings to fully grasp the gravity of the threat they pose to human health.


High fever, muscle pain, chills, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and perhaps jaundice are all indications of this bacterial disease.

While it is true that some infected individuals may not display any symptoms at all, the vast majority will.


Eating raw chicken can also infect you with salmonella. Symptoms, which frequently include vomiting, diarrhea, and severe stomach cramps, can last anywhere from six hours to six days.

You can think of salmonella as food poisoning times 10, plus it lasts for days.


When you come into contact with armadillo feces, you risk contracting Mycobacteriosis, a nasty skin ailment that manifests as huge, painful abscesses.

Symptoms of these abscesses include redness, tenderness, and pus. Even after treatment, abscesses can leave permanent scars and discoloration on their victims’ skin.


Chest pain, chills, exhaustion, body pains, a cough, and, in severe cases, a high fever are just some of the symptoms of histoplasmosis, a fungal disease. The worst aspect is that these symptoms might last for years, albeit rarely.

What Does Armadillo Poop Look Like?

Armadillo droppings resemble little pellets. Usually measuring between an inch and an inch and a half in length, the pellets clearly show the armadillo’s most recent meal of beetles, worms, or other insects.

How To Get Rid Of Armadillos

Do not underestimate the risks posed by armadillos. If you suspect an armadillo infestation on your property, it’s crucial to seek professional help immediately. At On Demand Pest Control, we have extensive experience in safely and effectively removing armadillos from residential and commercial properties in Florida.

Our team of experts is equipped to handle armadillo removal in Broward, Miami, West Palm Beach, and surrounding areas. We use humane and efficient methods to ensure your property is protected from the damage and health risks associated with these animals.

Reach out to the experts at On Demand Pest Control

If you’re dealing with armadillos or any other wildlife intrusions, contact On Demand Pest Control today. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with effective solutions to keep your home and garden safe. Reach out to us for a no-obligation estimate and take the first step towards a pest-free environment. Let us help you reclaim your space and restore peace of mind.

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